Video of Lady Lisa

Lady Lisa began a formal practice of astrology when she apprenticed with national professional astrologer, William Lamb, in 1978 for one year in Denver, CO. In 1979 she began another year long apprentice with esoteric astrologer Arnold Burnhardt, founder of the Unicorn Ashram in San Francisco, CA. Since then she has been practicing the interpretation of astrological symbolism as it pertains to the birth chart and character analysis, and also as it relates to transiting planets and prediction, on a daily basis for herself and others, professionally. 

In 1988 Lady Lisa began the practice of tarot applying the principles of British teacher and consultant Eileen Connolly as written in her book, "Tarot, A New Handbook for the Apprentice". Later, she studied the tarot applications of Dr. Angeles Arrien, also an educator and an anthropologist, who emphasizes the use of psychology and mythology in the symbolic interpretation of the art of tarot in her book, "The Tarot Handbook". 

Lady Lisa also combines astrology with the practice of tarot utilizing the theory of synchronicity as proposed by Dr. Carl Jung. Over the many years of practicing symbol interpretation Lady Lisa has benefitted by way of intuition development which assists her in her professional readings. She has a bachelor's degree in psychology from Metropolitan State College in Denver. Lady Lisa is a second generation astrologer who has followed in the steps of her mother, Anne, an astute student of spiritual master, The Tibetan, as channeled by Alice Bailey.